Keeping your property safe on warm nights

1. Cars on the drive? Are the windows shut and doors locked? Don’t assume that by pressing the button on the remote it is locked, try the handle too. If you are a two-car family, it is worth parking one in front of the other.

2. Check the side gate is shut and locked, sheds and garages secure?

3. House doors closed and locked? Don’t forget that, with a PVCu multi-locking door, even though you have lifted the handle until you turn the key, you have not locked all the locks into place. 

4. Patio door? Someone may have closed it but did they lock it?

5. Windows? Lift the blinds or open the curtains and check your windows are secure. Ensure all accessible windows are closed and locked. If you live in a bungalow or have flat roofs, keep windows closed and locked in unoccupied rooms but, if you need a window open for ventilation in occupied rooms, lock the big window and just have the small one open. If you only have big windows, consider a lockable window restrictor or a small sensor alarm at the window to detect entry.

6. Are unnecessary appliances are turned off? In case of fire, make sure your keys are readily accessible to you but not left in sight.

7. House alarm? Activate the zone for unoccupied areas in your house.

8. Car keys? Don’t take them to bed with you. Leave them out of sight – where possible, leave them in a noisy drawer/location.

If you do hear a suspicious noise in the house that you are not happy with, dial 999. In the unlikely event you do have an intruder, please remember, your life is more important than your property. However, if you can do so safely, try to note as much information as possible, such as a description and a vehicle registration/index.